Mathew Georghiou

Mathew Georghiou

Mathew Georghiou

Hey, I'm Mathew and I make things as a CEO, entrepreneur, engineer, inventor, designer, and writer. My work has reached millions of people around the world. Check out my creations below.

  • Connect with me on LinkedIn where I share my experience as an inventor and entrepreneur

  • Join my online communities for Educators or for Personal Learning

  • I've answered over 1,500 questions as a Top Writer on Quora

  • Contact me using one of the methods above or through MediaSpark

Start or Level Up Your Career In Business

1-Hour Entrepreneur, Free Guides, and More In Our Online Community
An amazing bundle of free resources and an online community to help you start or level up your career in business or start your own business
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Digital Marketing Superhero Course

Digital Marketing Superhero Course
— Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing and sales funnels in this super-fast and effective online course. Simulation and video-based training that you can complete in a few hours at any time. Learn more

Video and Game-Based Courses

Video and Game-Based Courses in accounting, business, personal finance and more, including businessXP — the first and only fully game-based alternative to business school. Learn more

FFmpeg Tutorial & Course

FFmpeg Tutorial & Course
Learn how to batch modify thousands of videos quickly and easily with FFmpeg. Save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars! Learn more

Teaching Superhero ::
Simulation & Game-Based Learning

Newsletter & Community for Educators & Trainers
Expert ideas on how instructors and students can transform learning with educational games and simulations — View past issues on LinkedIn — or subscribe here to receive new issues by email. Join our private group for educators and trainers to share ideas, resources, and discussions on experiential learning, games, and simulations.

Teaching Superhero :: Simulation & Game-Based Learning
Teaching Superhero :: Simulation & Game-Based Learning

My Inventions


For Educators

Discover a better way to teach and learn with GoVenture — one of the original and most widely used series of educational games and simulations in the world.
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Video and Game-Based Courses

For Students

Video and game-based courses in accounting, business, personal finance and more, including businessXP — the first and only fully game-based alternative to business school.
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Tabletop Games

Tabletop Games

Board games and card games for all ages.
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Local News

Local News

Community websites that unlock social capital.
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Signage & Art

Signage & Art

We transform your logo, message, or design into a premium metal sign or work of art.
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The ultimate track building system for Hot Wheels.

Entrepreneurship Education & Training

My team and I have created the most innovative and comprehensive collection of entrepreneurship resources in the world. We reimagined how entrepreneurship education and business and employment skills can be delivered, measured, assessed, and credentialed.Visit

Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights


  • Registered trademarks include MediaSpark, GoVenture, businessXP, lokol, KnowledgeWeaver, TrackJack, and more.

  • Hold copyrights to books, games, software, and more.

My Books

Business Superhero

Business Superhero

A powerfully clear and concise guide to the basics of business and entrepreneurship

Digital Marketing Superhero

Digital Marketing Superhero

A powerfully clear and concise guide to the basics of digital marketing

Budding Entrepreneur

Budding Entrepreneur

A storybook to help children discover entrepreneurship (free PDF)
Learn more

Articles & Videos

Videos and written articles on business, career, educational games and simulations, and more.

Comparison of Web App, Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented & Mixed Reality (AR) for Creating Learning Experiences

Comparison of Web App, Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented & Mixed Reality (AR) for Creating Learning Experiences
View document

Simulation & Game-Based Learning Newsletter

Simulation & Game-Based Learning Newsletter
View past issues on LinkedIn
Subscribe here to receive new issues by email


Quora — I've answered over 1,500 questions as a Top Writer
View profile


Authority Magazine

Makers of The Metaverse: The Future Of The VR, AR & Mixed Reality Industries
View article
Education Revolution: Innovative Approaches That Are Transforming Education
View article
The 5 Things They Forgot to Mention In College
View article

Authority Magazine

NoDegree | Podcast

NoDegree is an online career resource solution for people without college degrees seeking great jobs. Episode 169 we discuss businessXP — a fun and affordable alternative to business school
Video Podcast
Audio Podcast

NoDegree | Podcast

Unsure Entrepreneur | Podcast

For those on the fence about starting a business or looking for that push to take the leap, this is the right place. The podcast explores every angle of entrepreneurship, from failures to triumphs, with insights from those who've made it. In this episode — Why Experiential Learning is Key to Entrepreneurial Success
Podcast | Article

Professor Game | Podcast

Rob Alvarez Bucholska chats with gamification gurus, experts and practitioners about education.
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Trench Leadership | Podcast

Big Leadership Starts with Baby Steps featuring Mathew Georghiou. A Podcast From the Front hosted by Simon Kardynal, CD, MA.
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CFO Bookshelf | Podcast

What is the Online Game Millions are Playing to Learn Business? If learning business through a realistic business simulation, you’ll want to find out why GoVenture games trump MBA case studies.
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The EntreProfessor | Video Podcast

Host John Wilson is an entrepreneur and a professor of entrepreneurship whose mission is to help 'accidental entrepreneurs' launch, grow, and thrive. In this episode, we discuss gaining entrepreneurship skills by playing simulation games.
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TrueLife | Video Podcast

In this episode, we have a wide-ranging discussion on learning, education, and life.
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Level Up Your Wealth | Podcast

A podcast that teaches financial literacy from a gamer's perspective. In this episode, we play the GoVenture Entrepreneur business simulation.
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Education On Fire | Podcast

A podcast to inspire you as a teacher, parent, or mentor. Discover the best child-centred learning experiences from around the world.
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Mental Money | Podcast

Helping listeners win in their personal finances. Episode focus — Gaining personal financial literacy skills using the GoVenture Life & Money simulation game.
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My Career Path | Mathew Georghiou

Inventions & Designs

Game-Based Learning
Software Games
Software Simulations
Board Games
Card Games
Blended Games
Business Apps
Mobile Apps & Games
Metal Art

My Newsletter Articles

Expert ideas on how instructors and students can transform learning with educational games and simulations — View past issues on LinkedIn — or subscribe here to receive new issues by email. Join our private group for educators and trainers to share ideas, resources, and discussions on experiential learning, games, and simulations.

  • All Games are Educational — I'll Prove It With Space Invaders

  • How To Design a Board Game & 5 Challenges to Overcome

  • Using Entertainment Games for Education

  • Learning Styles — Debunked?

  • 1 Cool Thing About Inflation — And How To Teach Students

  • Is Your VR Metaverse Experience On Time?

  • Rote Learning Builds Your Brain's Muscle Memory

  • Converting a Book Into Microlearning Modules

  • A Day In the Life of an Educational Game Designer | Podcast

  • The First 5 Things I Do When Designing An Educational Experience

  • How To Design An Experiential-Learning Activity, Game, or Simulation

  • How to Design a Narrative Story For Experiential Learning

  • Designing a Digital Marketing Simulation

  • Metaverse VR AR MR Web3 — Which Should You Choose?

  • How To Teach Business Strategy With a Strategy Journal In a Simulation Game

  • Experiential Learning Changes Your Role From Instructor to Coach

  • How To Design Artificial Intelligence in Games — Simplified!

  • Luck, Skill, and Engagement in Educational Games

  • Using Goals for Student Assessment in a Life & Money Simulation

  • The 2-Step Process I Follow When Inventing a New Product

  • Building Student Excitement With a Big Reveal (and Music)

  • Individual Play Versus Head-to-Head Multiplayer

  • Simple or Complex Simulation for Your Students?

  • Waiting For Your Turn Is Boring — Here's How to Fix It

  • Failure, Gaming, and School

  • How To Make Your Website or App Accessible to People With Disabilities

  • A.I. Songs About Simulation-Based Learning

  • Why & How Business Education Should be Taught Using Experiential Progression

  • Leadership Training, Role Playing, and Simulations | Audiogram

  • 5 Teaching Strategies That Trigger Aha! Moments In Students

  • A Better Way to Present Character Dialog in a Book

  • I Followed The Marketing Gurus and Here's What I Learned and Did

  • Students Cheating With AI? Maybe Students Are The Ones Being Cheated?

  • My Worst Learning Experience Made Me Do This ...

  • Students Learn More About Money In Games Than in School

  • 2 Reasons Why The "Coding In School" Movement Is Misguided And Needs To Be Replaced With This ...

  • Budding Entrepreneur — A Story to Help Children Discover Entrepreneurship

  • The Largest Role-Playing Game In the World Is Not What You Expect

  • 1-Hour Entrepreneur | How & Why I Created This Free Video Course

  • I Gained Confidence and Courage — by Failing

  • How Games Will Transform (or Destroy) Business Schools

  • This Video May Forever Change How You Teach Business

  • Assessment Strategies for Educational Games & Simulations

  • YIPPEE — Education Philanthropy Done Right

  • 30 Years of Tech I Used to Develop Educational Apps

  • Confessions of a Project Manager or Secrets to Project Management?

  • Case Study Learning Is Good But Not As Good As This

  • Join My New Community for Educators and Trainers

  • How To Use 1 Game and 1 Computer to Teach Hundreds of Students

  • Creating Student Camaraderie & Teamwork In Online Courses

  • Rate My Professors — Do Your Reviews Matter?

  • Student Internships — Without Barriers

  • Does School Motivate Students With Fear?

  • Fair & Stress-Free Student Assessment

  • Personalized Learning In Education — The Easy Way

  • How To Invest a Small Amount of Money

  • Teaching Ethics With a Business Simulation Game

  • How To Teach Business Strategy With a Simulation Game

  • Teaching HR and Employee Management Using a Simulation

  • How to Create Learning Outcomes, Objectives, and Standards With AI

  • All Teachers Must Do This One Thing With AI — Or Else

  • Should Startups Use Spreadsheets or Apps for Accounting & Customers?

  • How To Design Better Multiple Choice Quizzes — 2 Tips

  • Play a Simulation Modeled After Your Business or a Different Business?

  • Business Simulations for Education VS Forecasting VS Entertainment?

  • Help Me Design a Board Game — Part 1

  • Help Me Design a Board Game — Part 2

  • Designing Balanced Gameplay — Using Math, Yuck! 🙂

  • And more!

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  • Our Website collects statistical information when you visit and use the Website, such as the website pages being visited, links being clicked, and other similar browsing activities.

  • Personal Information, if you choose to share it when contacting us or making a purchase, is not sold or rented. Personal Information may be used, if reasonably necessary, to provide you with your requested product or service, to comply with the law or legal process, or protect the rights or safety of others.

FFmpeg Course

FFmpeg Course

Batch modify thousands of videos quickly and easily. Save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars!

Watch the video and then
enroll in our course on Udemy

FFmpeg Course

We've made FFmpeg really easy to understand by providing scripts and step-by-step videos that you can follow to begin processing videos immediately!

These are FFmpeg scripts that you can copy and paste. Each script is explained in detail in our FFmpeg course

FFmpeg Get File Information From a Video
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4
FFmpeg Convert Video to Another Format
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -c videoOut.ts
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -c copy videoOut.ts
FFmpeg mkv to mp4
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mkv -c videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Crop Video
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -vf crop=w:h:x:y videoOut.mp4
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -vf crop=800:600:560:240 videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Scale Video
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -vf scale=320:240 videoOut.mp4
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -vf scale=-1:240 videoOut.mp4
ffmpeg -i imageIn.jpg -vf scale=320:240 imageOut.png
FFmpeg Change CODECs for better Compression
ffmpeg -i -c:v h264 -c:a aac videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Change Bitrate
ffmpeg -i -c:a copy -c:v h264 -b:v 5M videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Change Frame Rate
ffmpeg -i -r 12
FFmpeg Transpose Video
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -vf transpose=1 videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Trim Video Without Re-Encoding
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:03 -i videoIn.mp4 -to 00:00:07 -c copy videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Add Subtitles
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -i -sub_charenc CP1252 -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s mov_text videoOut.mp4
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -i -i -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 1 -map 2 -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s mov_text -metadata:s:s:0 language=eng -metadata:s:s:1 language=fre videoOut.mp4FFmpeg Add Image Overlay or Watermark
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -i myOverlay.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]overlay=0:25:enable='between(t,2,7)'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Concatenate Videos
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -c copy 1.ts
ffmpeg -i 2.mp4 -c copy 2.ts
ffmpeg -i "concat:1.ts|2.ts" -c copy videoOut.mp4
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts 1.ts
ffmpeg -i 2.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts 2.ts
ffmpeg -i "concat:1.ts|2.ts" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Add Border
ffmpeg -i videoIn.mp4 -filter_complex "[0]pad = w=0+iw: h=1556+ih : x=0 : y=778 : color=#FF0000" videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Convert Portrait to Landscape
ffmpeg -i -vf "split[original][copy];[copy]scale=ih*16/9:-1,crop=h=iw*9/16,gblur=sigma=20[blurred];[blurred][original]overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2" -c:a copy videoOut.mp4
FFmpeg Batch Processing
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.mp4 | ForEach -Process {ffmpeg -i $_ -c copy ($_.BaseName + '.ts')}
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.mp4 | ForEach -Process
{ ffmpeg -i $_ -vf crop=800:800:400:0 ($_.BaseName + '_NEW.mp4') }
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.ts | ForEach -Process {ffmpeg -i "concat:D:\videos\Intro.ts|$_|D:\videos\Outro.ts" -c copy ($_.BaseName + '_NEW.ts')}FFmpeg Hints
ffmpeg -codecs
ffmpeg -h muxer=matroska
ffmpeg -h muxer=mp4
Remove Audio from a batch of Video files
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.mp4 | ForEach -Process {ffmpeg -i $_ -c copy -an ($_.BaseName + 'noAudio.mp4')}
Add & Loop Audio to a Batch of Video Files. Match Audio Filename (001.WAV, 002.WAV, etc.) to Video Filename (001.MP4, 002.MP4, etc.)
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.mp4 | ForEach -Process {ffmpeg -i ($_.BaseName + '.mp4') -stream_loop -1 -i ($_.BaseName + '.wav') -shortest -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -c:v copy ($_.BaseName + '_output.mp4')}

Need help with these scripts?

Enroll in our course on Udemy

We've made FFmpeg really easy to understand with scripts and step-by-step videos that you can follow to begin processing videos immediately!

FFmpeg Course

More about me and my courses and free resources —